[bzr-fastimport:MERGE] Fix win32

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 20:56:14 GMT 2008

On 10/03/2008, James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net> wrote:
>  I don't think this is the correct solution. The fast-import stream
>  definition allows only \n for line endings, so I think the problem is
>  in the svn-fast-export code instead. I would imagine that if it is
>  written for git then it hasn't been tested on Windows.

I still think this may be related to text-vs-binary mode issues, but I
don't have any way of reproducing the issue (or the time to make one).
If someone can send me the files and commands needed to reproduce the
issue, plus the commands which were run to produce the fastimport
file, I can try to sort out a working fix over the next few days (or
establish for sure that the problem lies with the svn-fast-export


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