[bzr-fastimport:MERGE] Fix win32

SuperMMX supermmx at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 12:26:44 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Hi, James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net> :

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:56:53 +0000
James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for trying to fix this.
> I don't think this is the correct solution. The fast-import stream
> definition allows only \n for line endings, so I think the problem is
> in the svn-fast-export code instead. I would imagine that if it is 
> written for git then it hasn't been tested on Windows.

Before your fix, it processes contents with UNIX eol without any 
problems on Windows with the same svn-fast-export. With your fix,
fastimport can't process the normal commands (blob, etc).

Here is a test case. Two files are attached. 
One is the original repo, the other one is the exported content.

- -- 
A. Because it makes the logic of the discussion difficult to follow.
Q. Why shoudn't I top post?
A. No.
Q Should I top post?

A: Because it destroys the flow of the conversation
Q: Why is it bad?
A: No, it's bad.
Q: Should I top post in replies to mailing lists? 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32)

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Name: svn-fast-export.svn.tar.gz
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Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/attachments/20080312/e6dbceeb/attachment-0003.obj 

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