bzr-svn: bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: ".": Can't get password

Nicholas Allen allen at
Tue Mar 11 16:52:59 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

|> I thought the fix for the memory leak only made it into a Hardy package.
|> The latest stable Ubuntu is Gutsy where it is not easy to install AFAIK.
|> I did try by compiling svn myself on Gutsy but this caused core dumps
|> and I gave up because I don't have the time to get it to work (and nor
|> would my colleagues). So the most common distribution of Linux has no
|> easy way to install a functional version.
| Ahh, I didn't know the memory issue was a blocker for you. I still need
| to look into shallow branching support for bzr-svn; that should
| hopefully make the memory issues go away even when using unpatched
| subversion bindings.
Ok thanks. I think the memory issue is a blocker for most people though. 
Anyone migrating to Bazaar probably already has a few thousand revisions 
in their repo which is more than enough to bring down a powerful machine 
with lots of memory. This bug really is a nasty one and means bzr-svn 
can only be used to migrate tiny projects.
|> | For Windows, things should work pretty much out of the box (except for
|> | this password authentication issue) with Kevin's installer.
|> But that is a major issue - nearly all svn repos will have some form of
|> authentication which means it doesn't work on Windows at all for most
|> people.
| Well, nearly all *proprietary* repositories have some form of
| authentication, but fair enough, it is certainly a blocker for a lot of
| people.
Even open source repos have authentification don't they - even for read 
only access?
|> I don't want to sound ungrateful - I think you have done an amazing job!
|> If it wasn't for the memory leak issue we would probably already be
|> using it (at least I would be for sure). I really want to convince my
|> colleagues that Bazaar is the way to go but I can't do that until they
|> can easily install a functional version on Windows.
| It's certainly useful to hear about what is blocking people from using
| Bazaar or Subversion. I'm a bit curious about your use case though; what
| would be the advantage of using bzr with bzr-svn to your colleagues if 
| not migrating the server to Bazaar? Is there a particular Bazaar 
feature that
| you'd like to be able to use?

Well Bazaar handles merging and renaming much better than SVN. Also the 
ability to work and commit while on the move is amazing and very useful 
when traveling and without an internet connection. Bazaar makes feature 
branches possible and short lived experimental branches etc. Put simply 
Bazaar is in a different league to Subversion and that's why we are 
interested in using it.

But we have a lot invested in Subversion and the fact that Bazaar can 
play along nicely with it means we can keep the trunk in SVN without 
everyone having to convert at once. Also, some of my colleagues are 
sceptical about Bazaar so being able to demonstrate it to them without 
having to migrate completely is a major advantage. If we get to the 
stage where most people are using Bazaar perhaps we will migrate to a 
Bazaar smart server and get rid of SVN altogether. But I see that 
happening much later....

Keep up the good work ;-)

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