bzr-svn: bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: ".": Can't get password

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Tue Mar 11 16:40:35 GMT 2008

Am Dienstag, den 11.03.2008, 16:20 +0100 schrieb Nicholas Allen:
> | 1.5 is slated to be released soon. With 1.5, no patches at all are
> | necessary.
> |
> | bzr-svn should be quite easy installable for most people. It works out
> | of the box for Linux users who are using reasonably recent versions of
> | Debian, Ubuntu, SuSe, Arch Linux or Gentoo.
> I thought the fix for the memory leak only made it into a Hardy package. 
> The latest stable Ubuntu is Gutsy where it is not easy to install AFAIK. 
> I did try by compiling svn myself on Gutsy but this caused core dumps 
> and I gave up because I don't have the time to get it to work (and nor 
> would my colleagues). So the most common distribution of Linux has no 
> easy way to install a functional version.
Ahh, I didn't know the memory issue was a blocker for you. I still need
to look into shallow branching support for bzr-svn; that should
hopefully make the memory issues go away even when using unpatched
subversion bindings.

> | For Windows, things should work pretty much out of the box (except for
> | this password authentication issue) with Kevin's installer.
> But that is a major issue - nearly all svn repos will have some form of 
> authentication which means it doesn't work on Windows at all for most 
> people.
Well, nearly all *proprietary* repositories have some form of
authentication, but fair enough, it is certainly a blocker for a lot of

> I don't want to sound ungrateful - I think you have done an amazing job! 
> If it wasn't for the memory leak issue we would probably already be 
> using it (at least I would be for sure). I really want to convince my 
> colleagues that Bazaar is the way to go but I can't do that until they 
> can easily install a functional version on Windows.
It's certainly useful to hear about what is blocking people from using
Bazaar or Subversion. I'm a bit curious about your use case though; what 
would be the advantage of using bzr with bzr-svn to your colleagues if you're 
not migrating the server to Bazaar? Is there a particular Bazaar feature that 
you'd like to be able to use?



Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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