Help with OS X issue please

John Whitley whitley at
Mon Mar 3 04:42:27 GMT 2008

James Westby wrote:
> In particular I would like a backtrace from when bzr is
> hanging, however I don't know how to generate a SIGQUIT
> on OS X to get this.
> If someone could help out I would very much appreciate it.

As a data point, I've failed to repro this issue with a standalone  
(bzr from tarball, not Macports) install of bzr 1.2, using Macports'  
Python 2.5.1 on OS X 10.4.11.  Two other variances I note are the  
hang was on 10.5.2, and Python 2.5.2 appears to be in use (which  
'port search' isn't showing for me yet..?).

-- John

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