Help with OS X issue please

Brian de Alwis bsd at
Mon Mar 3 17:12:43 GMT 2008

On 2-Mar-2008, at 5:59 PM, James Westby wrote:
> In particular I would like a backtrace from when bzr is
> hanging, however I don't know how to generate a SIGQUIT
> on OS X to get this.

By default, MacOSX sets the core rlimit to 0 and so won't produce  
cores.  The core files seem to be put in /cores/core.<pid> by  
default.  This location can be changed by the sysctl kern.corefile.

^\ should produce a SIGQUIT (it does on my testing).  But a SIGQUIT  
may take some time writing a core file and a crash report to ~/Library/ 
Logs/CrashReporter/.  Doing ^\ on cat(1) takes roughly 5 seconds on my  
simple tests and produces a 200MB core file (!).


  Brian de Alwis | Software Practices Lab | UBC |
       "Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli

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