Bazaar documentation towards 1.0

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at
Tue Sep 25 18:11:19 BST 2007


I work for Canonical in the Launchpad team. Over the next few weeks
I'll be spending most of my time working with you to get the Bazaar
documentation ready for the 1.0 release.

I've met a few of the Bazaar team before, both at London and Amsterdam
sprints. If we haven't met and you'd like to know more about me, I'm
mrevell in #bzr and my personal website is

To start, I'm going to post some suggestions for how I think we should
proceed with the 1.0 documentation. I'd love to hear your thoughts. If
I'm talking rubbish, then let me know :)

I've started by looking at the audiences for Bazaar docs. I think it's
very important that we tailor our documentation to specific groups.
I've put my thoughts on the Bazaar wiki:

Please tell me if you think I've identified the right audiences. I'm
also keen to know what aims you feel we should have for each audience.

Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you :)

Matthew Revell

mrevell in #launchpad on Freenode

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