Newbie question - how to publish my repository

Blake Winton bwinton at
Mon Jul 30 21:44:20 BST 2007

Martin Pool wrote:
> On 7/30/07, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>> My client is Windows (ie, tool-poor by default) so I want to keep to things
>> that bzr supports internally.
> Also push over sftp and ftp doesn't update the working tree at all.

But there is a push-and-update plugin!  (I was going to write a big long 
email replying to this thread, but I asked on IRC instead, and got a 
really quick answer which worked.  A couple of really quick answers, 
actually, prompting me to create a launchpad account, and log 4 bugs. 
The full write-up is at
Paul, if you're using the Windows standalone installation, you'll 
probably be interested in the last paragraph on that link.)

(Feel free to steal any of that post for the Wiki, if you choose to 
update it.)


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