Newbie question - how to publish my repository

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Mon Jul 30 21:49:26 BST 2007

On 30/07/07, Blake Winton <bwinton at> wrote:
> But there is a push-and-update plugin!  (I was going to write a big long
> email replying to this thread, but I asked on IRC instead, and got a
> really quick answer which worked.  A couple of really quick answers,
> actually, prompting me to create a launchpad account, and log 4 bugs.
> The full write-up is at
> Paul, if you're using the Windows standalone installation, you'll
> probably be interested in the last paragraph on that link.)

Interesting! Thanks for this, the more information I get, the more I
start to understand how the pieces hang together...


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