[rfc] include "registration form" with the Bazaar distribution

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Thu Jul 19 06:15:02 BST 2007

Ian Clatworthy wrote:

> It's an interesting idea. I wonder whether having an online web page for
> this is better than including it in a release though. To start with, the
> online form can be improved and tweaked at any time.

An update on this for the list. We're leaning towards an online form
probably via some low cost option like http://www.surveymonkey.com. The
primary issue though is getting the right set of questions so we get the
feedback we want without driving people made with too many questions.

I've put a draft set of questions up on the Wiki based on what Martin
used for distcc. Please add any additional questions you'd like to
propose or comments you have on the suggested ones. See

Ian C.

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