feature requests for loggerhead

Kent Gibson warthog618 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 15:38:22 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Kent Gibson wrote:
>> Martin Pool wrote:
>>> * The display should be more dense - loggerhead uses (i think)
>>> a larger-than-default font, and has a lot of whitespace.  (I
>>> like whitespace but somehow in the current theme it looks gassy
>>> rather than elegant.)  For example in my browser window I see
>>> 19 revisions by default of gtk+ at the url Johan gave, but only
>>> 5 of bzr.dev, and I don't think the viewvc is too dense.
>> I also got tired of the gassy changes view so I had a hack at
>> loggerhead myself a few months back to produce an output more
>> along the lines of bzr log --line.
> Do you want to push that branch to launchpad?  Hint hint :)


>> Kid was also mentioned in the thread.  That is definitely a
>> primary cause of slowness in loggerhead.  In the benchmarking
>> I've done (trying to track down why generating the revision view
>> was so damn slow) I found most time was spent in
>> "turbokid.kidsupport: Applying template
>> loggerhead.templates.revision".
> The worst offender is the call to XML(line) for every line of diff.
> We can stop speculating :)
Good to know you've drilled down that far - I stopped as soon as I hit
But I still think that for large revisions the complete content of the
page is too big to serve quickly, even if you can render the page much
faster than Kid does at the moment.
e.g. I did some refactoring of a project recently and the revision
page for that ends up being over 5MB.  I tend not to look at that page
often (not that I could if I wanted to).


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