feature requests for loggerhead

Michael Hudson michael.hudson at canonical.com
Tue Jun 19 15:05:43 BST 2007

Kent Gibson wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
>> * The display should be more dense - loggerhead uses (i think) a
>> larger-than-default font, and has a lot of whitespace.  (I like
>> whitespace but somehow in the current theme it looks gassy rather than
>> elegant.)  For example in my browser window I see 19 revisions by
>> default of gtk+ at the url Johan gave, but only 5 of bzr.dev, and I
>> don't think the viewvc is too dense.
> I also got tired of the gassy changes view so I had a hack at
> loggerhead myself a few months back to produce an output more along
> the lines of bzr log --line.

Do you want to push that branch to launchpad?  Hint hint :)

> I dropped the committer from the collapsed view cos I don't really
> care who checked it in (for bzr.dev it is usually PQM anyway), and if
> you are really interested you can find it in the expanded view.

I'm not so sure about this change, though certainly for bzr.dev it's not
that interesting...

> Kid was also mentioned in the thread.  That is definitely a primary
> cause of slowness in loggerhead.  In the benchmarking I've done
> (trying to track down why generating the revision view was so damn
> slow) I found most time was spent in  "turbokid.kidsupport: Applying
> template loggerhead.templates.revision". 

The worst offender is the call to XML(line) for every line of diff.  We
can stop speculating :)


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