
marc gonzalez-carnicer carnicer.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 18:30:34 BST 2007

> What does sys.platform contain?


this is the complete cygwin log :

$ python
Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Mar 13 2007, 08:13:14)
[GCC 3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)] on cygwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> print sys.platform

> No, it won't solve your problem.  It's a problem with Windows
> filesystems generally, not FAT32 in particular.

i see. this is not caused by cygwin neither, it is incompatibility
with ext2/3 and vfat

> > i assume you did not understand my scenario and
> > thought i only had linux machines ... :)
> Well, on Windows, it's not "vfat", it's FAT32.  So yes, I thought we
> were talking about fat32 partitions seen on Linux.

i see, thanks for the terminology

> > perhaps a solution would be adding an option to
> > bzr init so that the execute bit is not taken into
> > account for status, diff, merge, etc
> We ought to be able to determine this automatically under Cygwin.
> I think that's better than explicit configuration.  Probably faster too,
> since adding that kind of configuration would mean creating a new
> revision of the working tree format.

i don't know. but if file properties modification has
been implemented, i guess this information is
important to the project. do you mean that a
requirement would be disabling file property
change detection if different filesystems are found?

anyway, bzr status operates only on 1 repository at
a time, and in principle bzr does not know if the merged
branches have different filesystem types (i guess).

i'd just like to point out (no pun intented), that current
versions of bzr are unusable for serious development
if different programmers use different filesystem types,
or have to use different FS types for different work
enviroment, such as development and testing. i need to
remember which files i've changed when i perform
my merges.
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