[RFC] 0.17 themes and objectives

Dennis Benzinger Dennis.Benzinger at gmx.net
Thu May 24 07:49:52 BST 2007

Am Wed, 23 May 2007 22:10:35 +0200
schrieb John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>:

> [...]
> I would like us to decide whether we want to include pyrex code or
> not. If we decide to include it, I have a few branches that would be
> nice to merge. (They need a bit of cleanup to conform to what I think
> Robert and I have agreed is a good way to do it).
> [...]

If the pyrex code goes in will it still be possible to install Bazaar
only with Python? Or is a C compiler needed even if I could live with a
slower Bazaar?

Dennis Benzinger

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