[RFC] 0.17 themes and objectives

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu May 24 10:16:27 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Dennis Benzinger wrote:
> Am Wed, 23 May 2007 22:10:35 +0200
> schrieb John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>:
>> [...]
>> I would like us to decide whether we want to include pyrex code or
>> not. If we decide to include it, I have a few branches that would be
>> nice to merge. (They need a bit of cleanup to conform to what I think
>> Robert and I have agreed is a good way to do it).
>> [...]
> If the pyrex code goes in will it still be possible to install Bazaar
> only with Python? Or is a C compiler needed even if I could live with a
> slower Bazaar?
> Dennis Benzinger

The plan is to have Python code for all functionality. So if you don't
have a C compiler, everything still works (just slower).

Second, all released tarballs will include the .c files, so you don't
need to have pyrex installed to compile the extensions.


It is still a bit under discussion whether to include the .c files in
source control. My feeling is that you shouldn't version generated
files. There are times when it would be nice (one of our benchmark
machines doesn't have pyrex installed yet). But overall I think not
versioning them is the better plan.


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