Launchpad Bugs feature

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Mar 28 03:56:20 BST 2007

On 3/28/07, Jonathan Lange <jml at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm at the Bzr mini-sprint in Sydney working on a feature to allow

"Bazaar" :-)

> To indicate that a revision fixes a bug:
>     * bzr commit --fixes=62789

That looks good.  You should be able to repeat the option.

It's worth mentioning that people might like to scan for patterns in
the freeform commit message mentioning a bug.  We're not excluding
that, but taking the data in a structured form is simpler to do at

> The bug number perhaps should be qualified to indicate that it refers
> explicitly to a Launchpad bug, for example:
>     * bzr commit --fixes=lp:62789
> (This lets us use the same option to fix Debian bugs and so forth).
> In future, we may want to provide the ability to set bug status before
> the commit:
>     * bzr bugfix BUG [STATUS]
>       bzr commit
> And also perhaps to set the status to something other than 'fixed'
> (e.g. 'in progress')
>     * bzr commit --fixing=lp:62789
> At the moment, I'm planning on including each bug as a revision
> property which maps 'lp:<bug_id>' to '<status>', where status is
> "fixed" (at least for the first iteration).

It seems a little odd that this will proliferate options for every
different status.  Maybe you could have

  commit --bug 123:fixed --bug 324:fixing

Not sure.


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