Problem diffing 2 branches

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Mar 26 19:13:59 BST 2007

Jean-François Veillette wrote:
> 13:53:32: bzr diff .  ~/Developement/WebObjects/Wonder/Ajax/Ajax/
> ... ... ...
> === modified file 'Components/AjaxAutoComplete.api'
> bzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/Users/jfv/Developement/BiblioChamplain/Tamia2/DependancesExternes/Ajax/Components/AjaxAutoComplete.api'
> In the current branch, I have moved the Ajax/Components directory to a
> new location, so yes that file is not there anymore (and many other
> files as well).
> I would expect bzr to follow the moved file and diff accordingly.
> Thanks,
> - jfv

Did you tell 'bzr' that the file has moved with "bzr mv X Y", or did you
just do a filesystem move (mv X Y, or with Finder)?

I'm guessing you just moved it on the filesystem, without telling bzr
what happened.

I *am* surprised to see it give an Errno 2, and would have expected it
to just say that the file had been deleted, versus an unknown file
somewhere else. (diff wouldn't tell you unknowns, but status would).

I think it is a case of bzr trusting the working inventory, when things
could easily change without it knowing.

I'm pretty sure the new working tree code in 0.15 would handle this sort
of thing better.

Can you tell me what version of bzr you are using? (bzr --version)


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