Looking to learn and lend a hand

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Mar 17 14:56:25 GMT 2007

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Spencer Chastain wrote:
> I think I may be committing a faux pas since I'm coming to a project
> where I'm unprepared to do much and have more questions than ability ...
> ... so with that in mind, please forgive my eagerness to learn more and
> get involved.

Welcome. I hope you find your stay here pleasant, and we can convince
you to stay around.

> I'm learning python and bzr more or less at the same time for the
> purposes of understanding them, but I've not actually had any reason
> (beyond contrived and thus seemingly emptily examples/tutorials) to use
> what I'm learning.
> So, with this email, I'm hoping the community can point me to a list of
> simple to-do's or bugs that are lying around but are not "important
> enough" right now to have been done, keeping in mind my inexperience. 
> If someone would like to volunteer to serve as a kind of mentor so I
> don't feel like I need to come to the list as a last resort, that'd be
> cool, too.

Well our bug tracker is available here:

I realize most are probably bigger than what you are looking for.

I've tried to tag some of them with 'trivial':


Which are supposed to be simple bugs that new users can fix.

> I'm not looking for any hand holding ... just looking some direction in
> taking small steps into the shallow end of the pool before diving into
> the deep end.

Another good place to go is IRC (chat.freenode.net channel #bzr.) It is
usually pretty active (a bit quieter on weekends), and I try to hang out
there and give advice when I can.

> I've read a lot of the blueprints and bug reports in the bug tracker ...
> I'm just not seeing things that are not already in-work to some degree
> (based largely on comments I see in the bug reports, not so much on the
> reported status of said bug) that I'd be comfortable taking on.  If some
> of these low-priority/easy bugs are in fact available to be worked
> despite comments seemingly to the contrary, I'd be happy to work them -
> just point them out to me so I know.
> Again, not looking for a whole lot - just a little direction and
> instruction above and beyond what I've read (...I've basically been
> reading through bazaar-vcs.org <http://bazaar-vcs.org> the past
> month...) to get myself into things a little more.
> I appreciate any feedback,
> --Spencer

Feel free to ask specific questions as you come across them.

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