Reorganise repository layout

Adam Mercer ramercer at
Fri Mar 16 15:10:39 GMT 2007


Thanks everyone for the help, but it doesn't seem to be working for me

> If your projects really have nothing in common, just do:
> mkdir root
> cd root
> bzr branch /repo/project_1
> bzr branch /repo/project_2
> bzr branch /repo/project_3
> And you'll be set.
> Once satisfied by the results, you can:
> rm -fr repo

My current repository is located at


i.e. talks contains the .bzr directory, I have the following
directorys within the repo


and I want to make each directory here an independant repository, they
have nothing in common.

So from your suggestions I did the following:

$ cd ~/bzr
$ bzr branch talks/aps-200704
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /Users/ram/bzr/talks/aps-200704/

I get the same error for the other directory.

Does anybody have any ideas where I'm going wrong?



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