Reorganise repository layout

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri Mar 16 14:56:40 GMT 2007

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Mercer <ramercer at> writes:

    Adam> Hi
    Adam> My repository is currently organized as follows:

    Adam> repo:
    Adam> - .bzr
    Adam> - project_1
    Adam> - project_2
    Adam> - project_3

    Adam> i.e. I have a single repository containing multiple
    Adam> projects, it is possible to change my repository layout
    Adam> so that each project directory is a bzr repository with
    Adam> its own .bzr directory - yet still maintaining version
    Adam> history? i.e. I would like the layout to be something
    Adam> like

    Adam> root:
    Adam> - project_1:
    Adam> - .bzr
    Adam> - project_2:
    Adam> - .bzr
    Adam> - project_3:
    Adam> - .bzr

If your projects really have nothing in common, just do:

mkdir root
cd root
bzr branch /repo/project_1
bzr branch /repo/project_2
bzr branch /repo/project_3

And you'll be set.

Once satisfied by the results, you can:

rm -fr repo

Hope that helps,


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