Unable to contact committer

Joris Putcuyps joris.putcuyps at skynet.be
Mon Mar 12 19:11:44 GMT 2007

Martin Pool wrote:
> On 11/03/07, Joris Putcuyps <joris.putcuyps at skynet.be> wrote:
>> Hello
>> When a person commits changes, bzr attaches the committer's id.
>> When this person changes his email address, all past commits have
>> useless contact information!
>> How can I prevent this?
>> (Perhaps a separation of contacts and bzr tree, or version controlled
>> contacts)
> Hi Joris,
> That's an interesting case.
> This field is primarily an identifier for the person, rather than an
> email address.  Some people use non-function addresses because they
> consider their real address private.
> So if they change address then it's still true that the commit was
> made by the person called john at company.com, even if they left the
> company, changed their name, or even died.
> I suppose you could have a mapping from past addresses to current
> address.  Can you tell me more about where you'd want to use it?

The information is used from the 'email' field in 'bazaar.conf', 
'commiter' is perhaps a better name?

Say, I create an e-mail account on hotmail but don't use it for months. 
I think this account can then be used by another person which could 
result in spam.



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