a Windows installation problem as user plus two questions...

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Sun Mar 11 17:54:27 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Stefano Spinucci wrote:
> On 3/10/07, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
>> >> I personally use USB flash disk to move my changes between work
>> >> and home computer: I have shared repository initialized on my flash,
>> >> and I need only push/pull to sync between machines.
>> >>
>> >> I'm also recommend to use repo-push plugin for this task.
>> >> It help me a lot!
> My question of the day:
> to share a repository between windows and linux what is the correct
> repo configuration/workflow???

One way to approach it is to have a shared branch, and two checkouts of
that branch.  That will mean that you don't have to specifically push--
it will happen automatically when you commit.  Instead of pull, you'll
use update.

To set it up the shared branch,
bzr init-repo sftp://example.org/~/repo
bzr init sftp://example.org/~/repo/branch

And then, on each machine,

bzr checkout sftp://example.org/~/repo/branch

If the shared branch is on a LAN or the same hard disk (e.g. dual
booting), checkout --lightweight will be faster.

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