0.15 rc1 feisty packages have wrong dependencies

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Sat Mar 10 13:19:22 GMT 2007

On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 09:55:10AM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> 09:41 < jdong> aww why does   bzr: Depends: python (< 2.5) but
> 2.5-0ubuntu6 is to be installed
> 09:41 < jdong> :(
> 09:42 < jam> because the depends is wrong
> 09:42 < jdong> yay :)
> 09:43 < jam> I assume you are on Fiesty ?
> 09:43 < jdong> yep
> 09:44 < lifeless> jdong: whats the package version ?
> 09:45 < jdong>      0.15~rc1-0ubuntu1 0
> 09:45 < jdong>         500 http://bazaar-vcs.org ./ Packages
> 09:45 < jdong> it's your new 0.15rc1 posted
> 09:45 < lifeless> ah

This is because http://bazaar-vcs.org ./ Packages as is is really only
meant for dapper (-compatible) distributions. I've discussed this with
Etienne before, I believe the solution is to do a proper split of the
archive so deb lines become 'http://bazaar-vcs.org <distro> Packages',
but at the moment Etienne is swamped.

In the meantime, people on Feisty should really not use the bazaar-vcs
apt repo, Feisty gets it's own upload at almost the same time.

Wouter van Heyst

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