Launchpad branches (was Re: BzrBranches wiki page)

Matthew D. Fuller fullermd at
Tue Mar 6 06:51:52 GMT 2007

> Overall, there doesn't seem to be much the page does as far as
> listing branches, that the Launchpad branch list probably can't do
> better.  

In partnership with this, I've done a quick glance over the branches
listed on Launchpad, to see which of them can probably be trimmed out.
It's a pretty long list, and some of them probably shouldn't be active

These, I'm reasonably sure could go:
  - versionedfile (jrydberg): Surely this is obsolete by now.
  - decorators (jam): Fully merged in

These are fully merged, but I don't know whether their work is done
  - knit_utf8_revision_ids (jam)
  - utf8_file_ids (jam)
  - lpurl (mpool)

There aren't merged, but I suspect they may be obsolete:
  - xml_writer (lifeless): Superceded by jam's xml_writer, which is
  - compressed-weaves (jam): Experimental for a pretty long dead
    format, untouched in a year+?
  - cache-stat (jam): Untouched since 2005/12.

There're probably others that should be moved up to Merged or
Abandoned, but those are the ones that jump out at me and I could
easily check.

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fullermd at
Systems/Network Administrator |
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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