2 way sync between bzr and svn using tailor?

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Thu Feb 1 15:02:03 GMT 2007

Hi Nicholas,

On Thu, 2007-02-01 at 15:52 +0100, Nicholas Allen wrote:
> I would like to start testing how suitable bzr is for our development. 
> Currently we use svn and I do not want to change the server for now so 
> ideally I would like to be able to create a bzr branch from subversion 
> and merge back and forth between bzr and svn.
> bzr-svn plugin is not suitable for this purpose as it creates a complete 
> copy of the repository which would be simply too huge.
It is also possible to check out a single branch, or is that what you

>  I have managed to 
> convert one of the projects on the trunk in our repository to a bzr 
> branch using tailor. It took about a week to convert but now I have it! 
We are currently working on addressing this problem by implementing
support for shallow branches (http://bazaar-vcs.org/HistoryHorizon)
though it will be some time before that hits main Bazaar, so would not
be a solution you can use at the moment.

> The thing is I am trying to work out how I can commit changes back from 
> the bzr branch of trunk to subversion. It would be nice if I could use 
> tailor to do this so that it works in both directions. Unfortunately, I 
> couldn't find much on the web that described how one would go about 
> this. What little I did find was not related to bzr and svn as well. I 
> was wondering if anyone had some ideas about this or has tried this 
> themselves and could offer some advice.
The folks on the tailor list might be able to give you better advice
about this, although there might be people around here as well who have
experience with tailor.


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org> - http://samba.org/~jelmer/
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