[MERGE] Fix test run from non-branch in repo

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Tue Jan 16 23:23:10 GMT 2007

On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 09:54:05PM +0000, James Westby wrote:
> On (16/01/07 15:41), John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> > Anyway, I'm very pro the fix, if you could write a test case for it, I
> > would happily +1 the whole thing.
> I'm quite happy I got the fix, but I'm at a loss for test ideas, unless
> the test constructs a repo and then puts itself in it.
> Apologies for missing the orginal reports, but I assumed as I hit it in
> the tests then it would have been fixed if found.

I only ran into it when building pkg-bzr with builddeb, it's not a very
common situation for me to be in, apparently.

Wouter van Heyst
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