VCS comparison table

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Sun Oct 22 01:13:22 BST 2006

On 10/22/06, Linus Torvalds <torvalds at> wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Oct 2006, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> >
> > And that work-flow is definitely not "distributed" it's much closer to
> > "disconnected centralized".
> Side note: the only reason I think that distinction is worth making at all
> is when comparing git to bzr, and even then this is a fairly subtle
> distinction, and probably not a huge deal in practice.
> I obviously think git is a nicer distributed design, but in the end, if
> you compare to something like CVS or SVN that isn't even disconnected, the
> difference between git and bzr in this sense is basically zero.
> So I sound like I care, but at the same time, I realize very well that
> when coming from a totally centralized world, the details we're arguing
> are _so_ not important.

I have to agree. Personally I think both git, bzr and mercurial are
all VERY nice systems.  If they weren't all started about the same
time, I doubt we would have all three.

I am happy to use either, but I have a small preference with bzr
because it suites me. I'm saying this, just as a user, nothing else.

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