Tutorial stylesheet

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Mon Aug 21 22:56:07 BST 2006

(Did the list name change?  My magic filter didn't catch this thread...)

On 16 Aug 2006, at 7:48, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> I'd like to propose we switch to the following for monospaced type:
>> font-family: "Andale Mono", "Lucida", "Monaco", "Courier New",  
>> monospace;
>> Or else, just go with "monospace" and trust the user to pick a decent
>> typeface.
> I'm a big fan of "Andale Mono" myself.

Please just trust the user and use "monospace".  On some systems,  
things like Courier look beyond terrible.

This problem also manifests itself on the wiki, for example here:


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