Tutorial stylesheet

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Aug 16 15:48:11 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've submitted an update to the tutorial that describes merge
> --uncommitted, per Martin's request.
> I ran rest2html against the tutorial, and I wasn't entirely happy with
> its appearance.  The literal blocks contain a quite ugly font: Courier.
>  Not to be confused with Courier New, which is acceptable, though not my
> favourite.

Is this with the default css generated by rst2html, or with the
'default.css' that we have in the doc directory.

You have to run it as:
rst2html --stylesheet=default.css index.txt index.html

It has issues, but without the --stylesheet flag, it looks a pretty good
deal worse.

> I'd like to propose we switch to the following for monospaced type:
> font-family: "Andale Mono", "Lucida", "Monaco", "Courier New", monospace;
> Or else, just go with "monospace" and trust the user to pick a decent
> typeface.

I'm a big fan of "Andale Mono" myself.

> The serif font description refers to "Time New Roman", which I'm pretty
> sure is a typo.  Also, it's repeated throughout the stylesheet.  In the
> spirit of SPOT, I propose doing this:
> h1, h2, h3
> {
>   font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
> }
> Thoughts?
> Aaron

I'd be fine with the change. I see you probably are using the real
stylesheet or you wouldn't have seen "Time New Roman".

This was a stylesheet I copied from someone else, and neither of us are
CSS gurus. So feel free to make improvements.


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