[MERGE-REGUEST] win32 installer for bzr 0.9

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Jul 19 06:59:45 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> probably we'll want to revisit the .css file at some point in the
> future. But just having something looks better than nothing.

I agree. With this CSS file pages have slightly different look in MS 
Internet Explorer. In IE pages looks not so sexy like in Firefox, but 
better than without CSS at all.

>> === added file tools/bzr_test_dependencies.py // file-id:bzr_test_dependencies.
>> +++ tools/bzr_test_dependencies.py
> I think bzr_test_dependencies would probably be best handled as a
> plugin, rather than a separate script for people to run.

Well, my initial goal was to make instrument to check that all libraries 
bundled into stand-alone bzr.exe correctly. So it born as internal tool. 
But this script could be useful for other people too, so I place it into 
tools. But you're right -- make it as plugin and extend to be more 
informative will be definitely good idea.

> There are quite a few little things to cleanup your submission. If you
> don't mind, I'll go ahead and work on them, and submit back to you the
> small changes.

I have some improvements related to python-installer postinstall script. 
This part is ready for review/merge. Patch attached. (this patch is 
continuation of my work).

> I created a mirror of your branch here:
> http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/mirrors/bzr/belchenko/win32.installer/

I try to branch but it seems to have incomplete history.

> Probably we should work out a way for you to push your changes directly
> to Launchpad, so that you don't have to host them, but there is still a
> public place you can refer people to.


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