[patch] Alexander's win32 packaging patch

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed May 10 13:18:21 BST 2006

Martin Pool пишет:
> This is the patch from http://bzr.onembedding.com/bzr.win/patches/
> I've read through it and it seems reasonable to merge; and it shouldn't
> break anything on Unix.  Any other comments?
> My only query which perhaps Robert can comment on is this new test:
> More tests are certainly welcome but I'm just not quite sure this tests
> quite the right thing - the most likely thing to go wrong with those
> values is that we'll fail to update them and this may not catch it.

I use this test when I rework setup function invocation in setup.py. So,
this test is mostly to ensure that new form of setup.py works correct.
I'd like to rework this installer-packaging patch: I have new version
with resolved todo (todo: install the txt files from bzrlib.doc.api),
with disabled doc.api tests into bzr.exe form and new one universal
helper script bzr_test_dependencies.py that check availability and
versions of third-party libraries.

I post new patch shortly.


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