[patch][win32] improved win32 packaging patch (was: Re: [patch] Alexander's win32 packaging patch)

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed May 10 21:34:33 BST 2006

I rework my patch for win32 packaging stuff. Changes since previous 
version of my patch:

- removed test_metadata from bzrlib/test/test_setup.py
- skip bzrlib.doc.api tests if directory bzrlib/doc/api does not exists 
on the filesystem (inside the library.zip). This affects all platform.
- resolved todo in plain setup (for all platform): install the txt files 
from bzrlib.doc.api.
- added new helper script: tools/bzr_test_dependencies.py (for all 
platform). This script can be used to check third-party libraries as 
opposite to manual checking (see http://bazaar-vcs.org/Installation 
section "Troubleshooting")
- improved win32 installer, particularly start_bzr.bat.

Please, review.

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