[MERGE] test-progress-bars

Matthew D. Fuller fullermd at over-yonder.net
Wed May 10 07:03:56 BST 2006

On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 08:04:26AM -0700 I heard the voice of
John A Meinel, and lo! it spake thus:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > +        """Add ellipsese (sp?) for overly long strings.
> I believe it is an 'ellipsis'

The proper plural of "ellipsis" is "ellipses".  If memory serves,
that's because it's a third declension noun from a Greek root (and so
actually follows a variant of Greek rules).

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fullermd at over-yonder.net
Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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