Saving log on failed commit
Guillaume Pinot
guillaume.pinot at
Sat Apr 29 09:36:07 BST 2006
"Olaf Conradi" <oohlaf at> writes:
> On 28/04/06, Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo at> wrote:
> > > There was some discussion about putting it it .bzr/checkout/log
> > >
> > > Since that would be a sort of "working space" for the checkout.
> > > But recently there was also a discussion of using .bzr/tmp for things
> > > that can safely be removed/not backed up.
> >
> > These don't look like good places for user-visible things.
> Exactly, I would prefer to have them in the present working directory.
We can imagine that bzr commit take the non commited last message
present in tmp/. this way, it can be hidden in .bzr and the user
needn't to know where it is. Just add a message "commit message saved"
when it fail, and it all ok.
Guillaume Pinot
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