[BUG] Knit code assertion error

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Apr 14 20:18:47 BST 2006

I sent this a few days ago, but my traceback was too long, so I'm 
re-sending with a compressed log.

Anyway, I wanted to try checking out a Arch converted project on a 
Windows machine, and since the only format that supports file id 
escaping is knit, I figured I would do the conversion and check it out.

But it fails (after about 20 minutes) with the attached traceback & log.

The branch is fairly big (41 MB), but it is public, and available here:
(This is a slightly different URL than my other email, but they have 
better bandwidth).

The above link is to a standalone branch, so you need to upgrade to 
metadir format before you can try and branch it into a knit repository.

Anyway, I'm not sure what is failing. I know I have a bunch of ghosts 
(there was a corruption in the Arch repository so even though the early 
revisions are okay, baz2bzr won't import the branch, it currently is an 
all or nothing deal. Fortunately that branch wasn't mainline).

Also, last time I tested bzr with knits, doing a 'bzr status' was *much* 
longer than with weaves, but it looked like it was doing some sort of 
integrity checking.

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