How do you divide a repository?

James Blackwell jblack at
Sat Apr 15 06:33:46 BST 2006

On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 01:36:15PM -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> $ bzr commit -m "Pruning the tree down to just lib1"
> Now you have a branch, which only has the files for lib1. There are good 
> and bad things to say.
> First, you can pick one direction, wherin merges will be easy. (So if 
> you will always merge from complete-project => lib1, or if you always 
> merge from lib1 => complete-project).

Ayup. One minor point that deserves mention is that you'll have to
prune occasional adds to the root directory of the main branch.

> The downside is that at present bzr won't let you merge both ways very 
> easy. Because to bzr, it will always look like you either deleted a 
> bunch of files, or created a bunch of files, and it will want to 
> propogate that change.
> I've done this on my stuff, and I add one more step, which is:
> $ cd ../complete-project
> # Pretend like you are merging the lib1 project
> $ bzr merge ../just-lib1
> # Remove all of the actual changes, but keep the 'pending-merge'
> # 'bzr revert *' says revert all of the changes to these files,
> # but it doesn't revert the metadata
> $ bzr revert *
> $ bzr commit -m "Fake merge from lib1"

Nice trick. :)

My home page:   <a href="">James Blackwell</a>
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