[BUG] Knit code assertion error

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Apr 19 06:01:09 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 14:18 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I sent this a few days ago, but my traceback was too long, so I'm 
> re-sending with a compressed log.
> Anyway, I wanted to try checking out a Arch converted project on a 
> Windows machine, and since the only format that supports file id 
> escaping is knit, I figured I would do the conversion and check it out.
> But it fails (after about 20 minutes) with the attached traceback & log.

This is a race condition in the tuned_gzip - a partial read of the last
8 bytes of a gzip file will trigger it. its fixed in bzr.dev.

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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