uncommitted changes in rsync and branch of bzr.dev

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Mon Mar 6 04:24:28 GMT 2006

[Sorry Wouter, I meant to send this to the list]

This one time, at band camp, Wouter van Heyst wrote:
>On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 03:02:22PM +1100, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
>> Hi!
>> After a month or more since I've last merged from bzr.dev, I tried it today
>> and got some conflicts; there's been a lot of changes so I thought "Ah well,
>> I'll just rsync from main and start again with that one."
>> So now after rsyncing from bazaar-ng.org::bazaar-ng/bzr/bzr.dev/ I have a
>> branch which doesn't look right:
>> dawn% bzr status
><snip status output>
>> I'm confused: this is a fresh rsync.  If I then bzr branch bzr.dev bzr.dev.1
>> and run status on that bzr.dev.1 branch, I get the same output.
>> Anyone have any insight into this?  Obviously I have no idea why thes files
>> are removed/modified, so I don't want to commit them, but I'm prevented from
>> doing my own development on these branches because of this.
>Try a bzr revert. As far as I known, pushing switched from rsync to
>sftp, and now the working tree does not get updated anymore. It would be
>clearer if that just got deleted. (That, or working tree pushing with
>sftp implemented).

I wouldn't have expected the second branch:

 bzr branch bzr.dev bzr.dev.1
 cd bzr.dev.1
 bzr status

to also show the same output: does a local branch just copy the working
tree instead of doing the equivalent of bzr revert?

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