uncommitted changes in rsync and branch of bzr.dev

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Mon Mar 6 04:04:10 GMT 2006

On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 03:02:22PM +1100, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> Hi!
> After a month or more since I've last merged from bzr.dev, I tried it today
> and got some conflicts; there's been a lot of changes so I thought "Ah well,
> I'll just rsync from main and start again with that one."
> So now after rsyncing from bazaar-ng.org::bazaar-ng/bzr/bzr.dev/ I have a
> branch which doesn't look right:
> dawn% bzr status
<snip status output>

> I'm confused: this is a fresh rsync.  If I then bzr branch bzr.dev bzr.dev.1
> and run status on that bzr.dev.1 branch, I get the same output.
> Anyone have any insight into this?  Obviously I have no idea why thes files
> are removed/modified, so I don't want to commit them, but I'm prevented from
> doing my own development on these branches because of this.

Try a bzr revert. As far as I known, pushing switched from rsync to
sftp, and now the working tree does not get updated anymore. It would be
clearer if that just got deleted. (That, or working tree pushing with
sftp implemented).

Wouter van Heyst

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