[RFC] New name for 'repositories' - 'baskets'

Jan Hudec bulb at ucw.cz
Fri Mar 3 22:59:31 GMT 2006

On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 19:44:53 +0100, Erik Bågfors wrote:
> 2006/3/3, Jan Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz>:
> > It never does any good if the same term is used with two meanings in the same
> > context:
> Which two meanings? we are talking about repositories, same thing. 
> Just two different "versions" of them.

No. We are talking about two conceptionally significantly different things,
both called a 'repository'.

> > You create standalone branch by 'bzr branch' command.
> > Branches store revision data in repositories.
> > Repository is created with 'bzr make-repository'.
> > So do I need to do 'bzr make-repository' to create a stand-alone branch?
> I really don't understand what the fuss is all about.  This is easily
> explained with just a few sentences.  I personally, do not belive bzr
> users are so stupid that they will not understand when you explain it.

The fuss is about making sure that different people won't explain conflicting
things, as they are currently doing.

> See my explanation earlier, nobody has said that it is hard to
> understand, or that users will not understand it after reading it. Why
> complicate things with even more terminology?
> a VCS is a complicated thing, and some reading and studying is
> required, this is true for cvs/svn as well, and it is even more true
> with bzr, since it can do so much more than cvs/svn. By adding new
> terminology we will just make it harder to study/learn.
> A repository is a repository, is a repository, it can contain multiple
> branches or it can be part of a branch in the case of a stand alone

Repeated circular definitions won't get us anywhere.

Something that is /part/ of a branch and something that /contains/ branches
is certailnly *NOT* the same thing.

> branch.  We still have to explain stand alone branches vs. branches
> that are part of a repository, why can't we explain shared and
> none-shared repository?

Sure we can. But someone says 'repository' and means the common superset of
shared and unshared repositories, while otherone says 'repository' and means
a shared repository. And these are *not* the same thing. 

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz>
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