[RFC] New name for 'repositories' - 'baskets'

Jan Hudec bulb at ucw.cz
Fri Mar 3 23:03:26 GMT 2006

On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 19:44:53 +0100, Erik Bågfors wrote:
> 2006/3/3, Jan Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz>:
> > It never does any good if the same term is used with two meanings in the same
> > context:
> Which two meanings? we are talking about repositories, same thing. 
> Just two different "versions" of them.
> > You create standalone branch by 'bzr branch' command.
> > Branches store revision data in repositories.
> > Repository is created with 'bzr make-repository'.
> > So do I need to do 'bzr make-repository' to create a stand-alone branch?
> I really don't understand what the fuss is all about.  This is easily
> explained with just a few sentences.  I personally, do not belive bzr
> users are so stupid that they will not understand when you explain it.

Read the above sentences again. Each sentence is correct for /some/
definition of 'repository' ever used here -- and the result is logically
incosistent. Which is what's wrong here.

> See my explanation earlier, nobody has said that it is hard to
> understand, or that users will not understand it after reading it. Why
> complicate things with even more terminology?
> a VCS is a complicated thing, and some reading and studying is
> required, this is true for cvs/svn as well, and it is even more true
> with bzr, since it can do so much more than cvs/svn. By adding new
> terminology we will just make it harder to study/learn.
> A repository is a repository, is a repository, it can contain multiple
> branches or it can be part of a branch in the case of a stand alone
> branch.  We still have to explain stand alone branches vs. branches
> that are part of a repository, why can't we explain shared and
> none-shared repository?

We can. But we must all call them the same -- which we are /not/ doing

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz>
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