Config for branch, not in branch
John A Meinel
john at
Sat Feb 4 18:15:48 GMT 2006
Jan Hudec wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 10:32:18 +0100, Vincent LADEUIL wrote:
>>>>>>> "Denys" == Denys Duchier <duchier at> writes:
>> Denys> Vincent LADEUIL <v.ladeuil at> writes:
>> >> But then, why bzr allows different emails for different
>> >> branches ?
>> Denys> bzr allows different "profiles" to be used for
>> Denys> different branches. For example, if you contribute to
>> Denys> two different projects foo and baz, you might have an
>> Denys> email of ladeuil at for the first one and
>> Denys> ladeuil at for the second one.
>> >> Is email just a strange beast which cannot be versionned
>> >> but need to be attached to a branch anyway ?
>> Denys> Well, it doesn't need to be attached to a branch: it
>> Denys> can be set in the [DEFAULT] section rather than in a
>> Denys> branch specific section.
>> But then it's not usable for the example you just give
>> before. What I was trying to address was the problem described
>> earlier in the thread where you move you branched directory and
>> suddenly your email is not correct anymore.
>> I just quit CVS days ago because I was tired of its lack of
>> renaming features and here we have some kind of renaming problem
>> :-)
> Note, that the section name in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf is a *GLOB*. So if
> you always call foo branches foo.<something> and bar branches
> bar.<something>, you simply set the emails as:
> [*/foo.*]
> email = me at
> [*/bar.*]
> email = me at
> Of course, adapt to your naming convention.
> Note that the patterns are currently rather simplistic (* matches
> absolutely anything) and that it might be changed to behave more
> shell-like (* not matching / and initial . - **/ will then match any
> path).
I would like to see bzr standardize its glob mechanism. So when your
glob stuff makes it in, it should be used anywhere we expand globs.
The problem with the above though, is that our Config work doesn't
inherit rules. So doing:
email = me at
commit = --strict
# At this point you have lost the 'email=me at' in
I'm not sure what the best thing to do is. But it is something that
messes things up when you do "bzr push somewhere", because that creates
a new entry for this exact directory, which means that any pattern
matched configuration is lost. (that is a really bad side-effect of the
current push implementation.)
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