Config for branch, not in branch

Jan Hudec bulb at
Fri Feb 3 06:30:04 GMT 2006

On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 10:32:18 +0100, Vincent LADEUIL wrote:
> >>>>> "Denys" == Denys Duchier <duchier at> writes:
>     Denys> Vincent LADEUIL <v.ladeuil at> writes:
>     >> But then, why bzr allows different emails for different
>     >> branches ?
>     Denys>  bzr  allows  different  "profiles"  to  be  used  for
>     Denys> different branches.  For example, if you contribute to
>     Denys> two different projects foo  and baz, you might have an
>     Denys>  email  of  ladeuil at  for  the  first  one  and
>     Denys> ladeuil at for the second one.
>     >> Is email just a strange beast which cannot be versionned
>     >> but need to be attached to a branch anyway ?
>     Denys> Well, it doesn't need to be attached to a branch: it
>     Denys> can be set in the [DEFAULT] section rather than in a
>     Denys> branch specific section.
> But  then  it's  not  usable   for  the  example  you  just  give
> before. What  I was trying  to address was the  problem described
> earlier in the  thread where you move you  branched directory and
> suddenly your email is not correct anymore.
> I  just quit CVS  days ago  because I  was tired  of its  lack of
> renaming features and here we  have some kind of renaming problem
> :-)

Note, that the section name in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf is a *GLOB*. So if
you always call foo branches foo.<something> and bar branches
bar.<something>, you simply set the emails as:

email = me at
email = me at

Of course, adapt to your naming convention.

Note that the patterns are currently rather simplistic (* matches
absolutely anything) and that it might be changed to behave more
shell-like (* not matching / and initial . - **/ will then match any

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at>
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