New wiki layout (pt 2 complete)

John A Meinel john at
Fri Jan 27 15:02:02 GMT 2006

Vincent LADEUIL wrote:
>>>>>> "John" == John A Meinel <john at> writes:
>     John> mlh wrote:
>     >> On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:12:30AM +0100, Vincent LADEUIL
>     >> wrote:
>     >>> But where is that wiki you are talking about ?
>     >>> 
>     >>> ?
>     >>  Close :-) That page looks obsolete and should probably
>     >> redirect to FrontPage.
>     >> 
>     >> Matt
>     >> 
>     >> 
> Strangely I didn't get the  Matt's message... Did it reach the ML
> or was it a private exchange ?
> I  ask that  because my  mail admin  is a  spam nazi  and  I have
> already too often lose legit mails...

He CC'd the mailing list, and directly mailed you. You should have
gotten the email.

>     John> I did the redirect. Since we are redesigning the site,
>     John> I'm pretty sure that page won't be maintained.
>     John>
> OoooKkkkk.
> I didn't  grok it last week  because there was baz  and bzr pages
> intermixed and it was hard to know what page was referring what.
> I re-read part of the site starting from :
> and didn't find  any mix anymore. Thanks a  lot. It's far clearer
> now.

Yeah. Thank James Blackwell for that. He did a great job cleaning it up.
 baz => bzr was a migration, and there are still things to be done.

> And  I discover something  that may  be of  interest for  me.  In
>,  it   is  said  that
>   is  an  unofficial
> Breezy.   Does that mean  I can  add that  to my  repositories in
> synaptic and  be kept informed  of official releases by  the same
> mechanism used for security updates ?

I would guess so. I haven't used it myself.

> And  (off-topic),  I  also   saw  "Dapper  0.7.0-2  In  Distro  "
> mentionned,  does that  mean that  it is  possible to  use Dapper
> right now ? And in that case is there a simple way to update from
> breezy ?


You can dist-upgrade into breezy. By editing /etc/apt/sources.list and
changing the string 'breezy' to 'dapper'

Then it is 'sudo apt-get update', and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'.

I just tried this, and I seriously hosed my setup. I don't know if I
just picked a bad day, but I had lots of conflicts. (stuff like
/usr/bin/nvidia-settings being provided by both 'nvidia-settings' and

I ended up using 'dpkg -r' for stuff that conflicted, but I had to run
'apt-get -f install' far more often than I would have liked. I had
similar problems going from hoary => breezy before the official release.
(They didn't support nvidia yet, and I run a dual monitor setup, which
the nv driver doesn't support.)

I have a friend who is running dapper flight-3 with no problems, but
that was a fresh install.

While I think with released versions they have ironed out all of the
'apt-get dist-upgrade' stuff, and it is a wonderful tool, I have gotten
bit by it twice now.

Note: I am expecting that with an iso in hand, I can fix things, but you
might want to get at least a live CD before you dist-upgrade into an
unstable repository.

> Thanks in advance,
>        Vincent


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