New wiki layout (pt 2 complete)

Vincent LADEUIL v.ladeuil at
Fri Jan 27 16:16:45 GMT 2006

>>>>> "John" == John A Meinel <john at> writes:


    >> Strangely I didn't get the Matt's message... Did it reach
    >> the ML or was it a private exchange ?
    >> I ask that because my mail admin is a spam nazi and I have
    >> already too often lose legit mails...

    John> He CC'd the mailing list, and directly mailed you. You
    John> should have gotten the email.


"All extremists should  be shot" comes to mind,  this guy thought
he can  do better than  Bayesian filters and refuse  to white-list
mailing-lists... go figure :(

    John> Yeah. Thank James Blackwell for that. He did a great
    John> job cleaning it up.  baz => bzr was a migration, and
    John> there are still things to be done.





    John> BE CAREFUL...

    John> You can dist-upgrade into breezy. By editing
    John> /etc/apt/sources.list and changing the string 'breezy'
    John> to 'dapper'

    John> Then it is 'sudo apt-get update', and 'sudo apt-get
    John> dist-upgrade'.

    John> I just tried this, and I seriously hosed my setup. 

Oh oh. Looks like I owe you a beer :-)

 /  \
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I  think  I  will  try   to  update  my  repositories  with  just then :-)

Just did it.

Works like a charm :-)

Thanks !


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