Directed graphs and the glossary

Jan Hudec bulb at
Wed Jan 25 08:43:28 GMT 2006

On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 02:52:32 -0500, James Blackwell wrote:
> A directed graph is a basically a pile of nodes sprinkled on plane.  These
> nodes are connected by lines, which are edges. Nodes typically represent a
> thing and edges represent a change. At least as I understand things.

Picky note: They don't have to be on a plane. They don't even need to be

Another picky node: The graph is 'directed', so it should be added that
edges have a direction. Though there is not a full agreement whether the
direction is from ancestor to successor or the other way. I think the
former is more common for revisions.

> In arch the answer is pretty clear: An edge is a revision -- a delta
> between two nodes with some recordkeeping.  A node is the summation of the
> first node and all edges between it and the first node (though an edge can
> cancel out previous edges to a certain extent). The first node is an
> import.
> What are the exact meaning of these terms in Bazaar-NG? It seems 
> as if revisions are sometimes treated like nodes and other times like
> edges. I find this confusing and would like some sort of agreed upon
> definition of what's what.
> The intended purpose for this information is BzrGlossary.

I believe 'revision' should be the node and the edge should be called
'changeset'. But often revision means both the node and it's
corresponding edges.

In fact I believe the the same terminology should apply to Arch as well
- the edges should be 'changesets' and the nodes 'revisions'.

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at>
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