Directed graphs and the glossary

James Blackwell jblack at
Wed Jan 25 07:52:32 GMT 2006

A directed graph is a basically a pile of nodes sprinkled on plane.  These
nodes are connected by lines, which are edges. Nodes typically represent a
thing and edges represent a change. At least as I understand things.

In arch the answer is pretty clear: An edge is a revision -- a delta
between two nodes with some recordkeeping.  A node is the summation of the
first node and all edges between it and the first node (though an edge can
cancel out previous edges to a certain extent). The first node is an

What are the exact meaning of these terms in Bazaar-NG? It seems 
as if revisions are sometimes treated like nodes and other times like
edges. I find this confusing and would like some sort of agreed upon
definition of what's what.

The intended purpose for this information is BzrGlossary.

My home page:   <a href="">James Blackwell</a>
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