bazaar-ng 0.7 released
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Tue Jan 24 07:33:26 GMT 2006
Jari Aalto пишет:
> Howabout this (win32 native bzr):
> $BZR_HOME - if set
> $HOMESHARE\.bzr.conf\ - if exists, assume HOMESHARE as "HOME"
> ($HOMEDRIVE + $HOMEPATH)\.bzr.conf\
> - if exists, assume ... as "HOME"
> $APPDATA - ... or else
-1 on proposed scheme. In my opinion: currently realized in bzr is most
win32 native.
($HOMEDRIVE + $HOMEPATH) -- its definetely BAD idea for win32 native.
Because on some machine it pointed to C:\. On other machines it pointed
to something like C:\Documents and Settings\username\. On my working and
home machines this points to C:\ and I'm very unhappy to see that other
python programs (like IDLE, IPython, Boa Constructor, ...) store their
config data in C:\.idlerc\, C:\_ipython\, C:\.boa-constructor\. I know:
it's because the bug in python ntpath.expanduser() function. But in the
end -- it's Bad.
We discuss this places earlier and make conclusion that $APPDATA -- this
is native win32 way. It point to location like C:\Documents and
Settings\ursername\Application Data\. And to this folder all native
win32 application store their data. Including Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird.
If Jari want to work in restricted environment then should be the way to
set once BZR_HOME or HOME at least by administrator guy. But in the end
during one console session command `SET BZR_HOME=your/path` should work
OK. Simply create batch file that will open console and set this
variable at start -- and you have working bzr (see how MS Visual C++
does this in vcvars32.bat file).
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