patch: more sftp unit tests

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Dec 9 06:55:32 GMT 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 03:28 -0800, Robey Pointer wrote:

> The stub sftp server can now be configured to use a home folder for  
> relative paths, and the TestCaseWithSFTPServer now takes an url path  
> and relative home folder for configuration.  I just subclassed it  
> twice to exercise all 3 url formats ... which is 17 tests each, and  
> not speedy tests, so prepare to wait longer while they run. :)

they are slow aren't they: 8-10 times slower than the matching HTTP
tests. and about 400 times slower than the local file system matching

So - is this something we can fix (is paramiko having performance
issues ?)

AIUI other than the handshake SFTP should be -fast- locally, and the
handshake is surely not worth 1 second of cpu time on my 5 month old


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