bzr push, working directory, bzrtools

Robert Collins robertc at
Sun Nov 13 19:54:26 GMT 2005

On Thu, 2005-11-03 at 04:47 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I don't believe most other SCM tools just have the working tree
> available for download (SVN and CVS don't, Arch doesn't, I'm not sure
> about darcs/bk/etc).
> So what your asking for might actually just be uncommon, since nobody
> else seems to support getting the latest version, without actually
> having the SCM tool. (Though I suppose with CVS you could download the
> ,v files, and hack out all of the extra info, since it stores the last
> revision in full text).

AIUI only darcs and bzr have working trees phyiscally present on remote

Its pretty hard to do well and reliably, see for instance the angst over
how to get high performance *and extracted remote copies of the source*
which we discussed for quite some time. We've decided to go with a
'smart server' - essentially a copy of bzr invoked remotely - to achieve
this in the short term.


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